Weiser River 50K Ultra and Relay - Saturday, April 26, 2025
Click on The Ultrasignup Logo to register for 2024!

Start times:
50K solo 8:00am
Adaptive Athlete 8:15am
Relay staggered times starting at 8:30am
The course is 50-kilometers point to point (31.07 miles) from Council to Midvale, Idaho along the scenic Weiser River Trail. The trail is a railroad bed that has been converted to a National Recreation Trail. The trail surface consists of stony railroad ballast, dirt, and some paved crossings as you come into towns. The trail runs alongside the Weiser River, through canyons and across open farmland. There is very little elevation change on the course. The course is ideal for this early season event and excellent for runners of any ability – beginners to veterans. In addition to the solo 50K, we also have a 50K relay. So no excuses not to run it! The Relay is open to teams of runners from 2-5 people.
If you plan on fewer than 5 people on your relay-contact the RD before registering for a pro-rated registration per number of people running.
Race Start Location:
Packet Pickup
TEAMS please send 1 person to pick up for your entire team.
Must Register by 04/07/25 by NOON to be guaranteed Swag
You may leave a morning clothes bag at the start and we will get it to the finish for you!
All runners and volunteers will receive a post race meal with their bib or voucher. If you have friends or family wanting to eat too you can purchase additional meal vouchers at registration or a voucher for $15.00 at the Pulse tent on the day of the race or when you register.
Runner Classifications
There is no cap on our solo 50K entries. We have the following classes:
50K Ultra (must be at least 18 years old)
Male (18-54)
Female (18-54)
Male & Female Masters (55+)
Adaptive Athletes (all genders, all ages)
top 3 teams
Distance between Aid stations (exchange points for relay runners)
Leg 1- Council to Mesa Siding 6.1 miles
Leg 2- Mesa Siding to Goodrich 6.9 miles
Leg 3-Goodrich to Cambridge 9.1 miles
Leg 4-Cambridge to Shoepeg 5 miles
Leg 5- Shoepeg to Midale 4.1 miles
Cut off
-Must be to the last aid station at Shoepeg by 2:30pm. If you don't think you can make that, you can request an early start by e-mailing the RD.
-Early start is 7am sharp and you will be out of contention for awards.
There are no cancellation refunds; however, a team may transfer people up until race day. Ultrarunners may roll their entry to the next year or transfer to a relay team.
Substitutions / Changes for Relays
Team substitutions may be made up to race morning, the team captain can make changes via the link they receive from Ultrasignup at time of registration. All entrants must read and sign waiver / entry form.
These races aren't possible without Volunteers, If you can help out at an aid station please hop on over to Ultrasignup and get registered! Volunteers can sign up at Ultrasignup.com and click on the Volunteer tab.
Shuttle for solo runners Location is at the finish in Midvale, Idaho.
Please check that you need a shuttle during sign up so we can plan the shuttle arrangements.
The bus will leave Midvale at 6:00 am sharp. There will be no transportation provided by the race AFTER the race back to the start.
Lodging / Places to Stay
Trailhead Hostel: http://www.trailheadhostel.com/ This sweet little hostel is quiet and comfortable! It's my favorite place to stay on race weekend!
Camping: Weiser River Trail RV Park http://www.weiserrivertrailrvpark.com/,
Mundo Hot Springs http://idaho-rv.blogspot.com/ they like to cater to trail users!
Hotels: Hartland Inn & Motel, 211 N Norris Ave Highway 95 N New Meadows ID 83654 1-866-599-6674;
Meadows Valley Motel, http://www.meadowsvalleymotel.com/
Frontier Motel & RV Park, 240 S Superior st, Cambridge, Idaho
208-257-4000- This great little place is halfway between the start and the finish so It's a quick drive whichever way you're headed in the morning! http://frontiermotelcambridge.com/