Do you need a little extra motivation to get out the door on cold, snowy, rainy days? Maybe you need a little inspiration to get out on sunny days. Whatever you need to get you motivated, we can help.
Group Trail Runs / Hikes (on most Saturdays). Generally, we post our group runs on our PULSE Facebook Page, especially when the trail conditions do not allow us to get our regularly. But we will also post our runs here on our website. Being conscientious trail users, we check the Boise Foothills Trail Conditions Facebook page to guide us in our decision to get on the trails.
PULSE Dirty Soles Group. Every Saturday (depending on the trail conditions), we go for a trail run. We post the location and details on our Facebook Group: The PULSE Dirty Soles Running Group. Click here for the link.
Beginner Trail Runners Group. Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday, we get together and hit the trails. The distance varies, but all speeds, levels, ages are welcome. Time and place posted on our Facebook page.